

自分一人が幸せであることなどあり得ない。 社会的弱者が一人もいない社会をみんなで作ってこそ、 みんなが幸せを感じられることでしょう。 もちろん、あなたも、わたしも。そしてその中心に農業を置くことが、脱DSにつながる。



土地 500,000✕300=1億5,000万
建物 600,000✕200=1億2,000万





We receive all kinds of things from the earth to sustain our lives. There are forests, water is born, moistens the rice fields, heals animals, pours into the sea, and nurtures countless marine animals.
We live in symbiosis with microorganisms. Without microorganisms, our bodies and the soil in our fields would lose their power. In this sense, we are alive. We are made alive by nature.

Symbiosis is the way to connect life.

There is no such thing as being happy on your own. Only when we all work together to create a society where there is no one who is socially vulnerable can we all feel happy. Of course, you and me. And putting agriculture at the center of this process will lead to escape from DS.

However, in the name of economic development, families have become more dispersed, and people can no longer care for only the narrow unit of the family. When people grow old, they are placed in nursing homes, or tied to hospital beds, and the symbiosis between people is being destroyed at an accelerating rate. And they don’t care if their neighbors die alone. Since when did the world become like this?

If families have to live scattered, they can start a new family.

The above floor plan was created by me several years ago.
I would like to create a share house based on this floor plan. And I want to live in symbiosis while protecting privacy. I will not accept rent from the people living together.

I’ve been thinking about building several cottages, but it might be difficult to realize with 300 square meters of land.

If you can work outside, you can work. However, everyone should take care of the fields. Do what you can. Even if it’s just weeding. Even if it’s just weeding. Just watering is fine. If we don’t have enough help, we ask for help and wisdom from the elderly people who used to farm for a living. No pesticides, no chemicals, no fertilizers. This is because farming is about nurturing the soil.

But I don’t have any money.
And there’s not much time left.
Can someone give me money?


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